

Origins takes place at Autotron. The exact location is Graafsebaan 133, 5248 NL, Rosmalen in The Netherlands.

Date & time

Origins 2024 takes place on Saturday the 19th of October, from 12:30 to 00:00.

Running a little late? No worries, you can enter the event until 20:00.

Minimum age

The minimum age for Origins is 18. That means you will need to be 18 years of age or older on the exact date of the event. There will be made no exceptions. Be sure to bring your ID, because there is a chance you will be asked to prove your age at the door.


Travel options

There are different ways to travel to Origins. You can find all the options in the travel section.


Entrance tickets

The loyalty ticket sale for Origins 2024 starts on Monday May 27th at 18:00.

Sign up here, because we expect tickets to sell fast again.


Parking tickets for Vroeger Was Alles Beter can be bought for €13,- via the ticketshop and for €15 at the entrance of the parking area.

Online parking ticket sale stops one day before the event. Don’t worry, you can always buy your parking tickets at the event venue.

Shuttle bus

Return tickets for our shuttle bus service can be bought prior to the event in the official ticketshop for only €15,-.

The shuttle bus departures from the city center side of ‘s-Hertogenbosch Centraal Station at the bus station.

Ticket stolen / lost

Has your ticket ben stolen or did you lose it? Then we kindly ask you to contact Paylogic through Be sure to include your order number and a proof of payment. Paylogic can block the ticket and send you a new one.

Printing & mobile

Tickets for Origins can be both scanned on a printed ticket and on a mobile phone. When you choose printing, be sure to do this on an A4-format. It is not necessary to print your ticket in colour. Do you rather want to have your tickets scanned on your mobile phone? Be sure to put your phone’s brightness on 100%.



There will be more than enough lockers available during Origins. These are meant for storing your personal belongings safely. It is possible to visit your locker during the event.

Food & beverages

Obviously we spend a lot of time and care on our food and beverages at Origins. It is not permitted to bring your own food and beverages into the event.

Coins / tokens

During Origins you can both use pin and cash to purchase tokens.


Smoking is prohibited in Autotron. The same goes for e-cigarettes. If you want to smoke a cigarette, there is a special smoking area within the compound.

Cigarettes will not be sold during Origins.

First aid

A special first aid team will be present during Origins. The location is clearly marked on the event site. Besides that, several members of the medical staff will be walking around the even terrain.

Not feeling well? Be sure to visit the first aid, they will help you. Do you suspect someone of taking an overdose of drugs or consuming too much alcohol? Be sure to consult a member of the organization, security or the First Aid Team. They will make sure this person will receive medical assistance as quickly as possible.


There will be plenty of toilets available during Origins. Autotron also contains a bathroom for disabled people.


A merchandise stand will be present during Origins. It offers a variety of fans, t-shirts, hearing protection, gums & more!


Drugs & weapons

Origins has a zero tolerance policy. This means that visitors are prohibited to bring any forms of drugs, weapons or sharp objects into the festival.


Concerning safety issues, it is not permitted to bring any kind of liquids into the event. This also applies to deodorant, deodorant-sticks, hairspray etc.


When you are using medication and you wish to bring it into the event, don’t forget to bring your doctor’s certificate. Without an official doctor’s certificate you will not be able to bring the medication into the event. Security will check your certificate at the entrance.

Photo & Video

Digital photo- and videocameras, like a GoPro, are allowed at Origins. Websites or companies who wish to shoot professional photo or video footage need to request access beforehand. (Selfie-)sticks are strictly prohibited during Origins.


Promotion for other events is strictly forbidden inside or outside Autotron. For advertising possibilities, we advise you to contact Dance Promo or the organization.

Lost & found


During and after Origins the organization will collect all lost items. If you have lost your passport, ID, driver’s license, phone, keys or any other personal belonging, we kindly ask you to visit the locker booth or contact the organization.


Found something? It’s amazing to see that people like yourself still exist out there. During Origins you can hand in all lost objects at the locker booth. They will make sure every lost object will return to its rightful owner as soon as possible.


Press accreditation

For press accreditation requests we kindly ask you to contact us through the contact form. Websites / companies who wish to bring (semi-)professional equipment are obligated to request this prior to the event.